History of Revival Tabernacle Church
Revival Tabernacle began as a tent revival not more than seven blocks from its present location. It was a good revival with many lost people finding their way to the alter. There were a great number of people attending the services that had no regular place of worship. We were prevailed upon by the people to stay and organize a church. So one Sunday afternoon, we placed a fleece before the Lord in order to know His will and that it might be done. We needed a building site and funds to build and operate. That very Sunday afternoon a Miracle of God was performed under the tent. Five thousand dollars for a down payment on the property was raised in cash and pledges. Further evidence of God’s approval was revealed
in seven days, just one short week, when the pledges were paid in full and through a vision of one of the brethren, we were led to our church location.
The property was purchased and clearing operations stated while we continued to hold services in the tent. Winter came and a search of the city revealed no place available for holding church services. When we thought we were defeated, the Lord provided again. Bro. Kelly T. Chowning, a man of God, came forward and offered the use of his nursery building which was located some three miles out of the city. We thanked God; moved trees, shrubs, and machinery, painted the interior and constructed the platform. We began services and were happy serving the Lord in our Nursery Building Church, heated by a little potbellied stove.
When summer came we put up the tent on the church property, held services at night, and worked on the church by day. Another winter came before our building could be completed and we rented a Tobacco Warehouse for a place of worship. Tragedy struck late one Sunday night, a disastrous fire destroyed the warehouse. Our financial loses were great; we lost two grand pianos, all platform and pulpit furniture, sound system, the Pastor’s banjo, electric guitars and accordion. Again it seemed the devil had won, but it was a shallow victory for him. We prayed and received an answer from God; we returned to the Chowning nursery building for the winter.
The following spring we put up our tent and continued construction on the church. by October, three walls were laid, the floor poured and the roof was on. That fourth wall didn’t seem to matter, we were under our church roof and we held our first services. It was a grand dedication serviced with many friends and relatives attending, including several members of the Jessup family.
We are proud of what God has helped us to accomplish here and are thankful that we could do His will these last “50+” years. No victory is won without a battle, no mountain has been climbed without great effort, and no church has been built without sacrifice, sweat, faith, a few heartaches and a lot of the Lord’s blessings. Praise God, He brought us through them all.
We now have a church where everyone is welcome and we pledge ourselves to work diligently for lost souls, to walk in the light of His Word and keep ourselves from the ways of the world, ever remembering, there is a crown of glory for those who overcome.
This plaque was added to the outside of the church walls to commemorate the church when it was built in 1958.